Monday, February 28, 2011

Weekend & updates

I've been super busy taking care of everything at the office, and for my MIL ,and my FIL. They are both still up in Dallas with Alissa leaving me to take care of everything here.
I'm not complaining though. Whatever I can do to help.
So anyways, sorry for the lack of posts.

This weekend, my bestie Jenn and her adorable girl Kyndal spent the day hanging out with us.
Kyndal is such a ham. Always smiling. I could just eat her up.
Gavin however, decided to become a jealous boy & ever since has been making me almost pull my hair out. He actually pulled my hair out for me this morning.
He must be going through a stage b/c he was a HANDFUL this weekend! I feel bad for his daycare today.
How stinkin' cute are they?
Sunday, Gavin spent the day at my parents' again so I could go visit Alissa & see Derek.
He's in Oklahoma working, so we just met up in Dallas.
Alissa got moved to a room yesterday, which is great news! She looked completely different from a week ago. But she's had her face rebuilt since the last I saw her. She can't open her right eye at all & the optometrist is giving her optic nerve a couple weeks to see if it will heel on it's own. If not, she will be blind in her right eye. Her left eye is good and she was able to get to read a couple cards yesterday!
Once the optometrist says ok, they will perform surgery to correct her eye sockets and place her eyes where they are supposed to sit on her face (they are sunken in) and they will rebuild her nose.
She still has her feeding tubes & tracheotomy in until all the surgeries are complete. I've mentioned she's a handful for the nurses and I wasn't lying! She is on 24/7 watch b/c even with her hands tied down, she turns just the right way and starts ripping things out! OUCH!!
That poor girl just wants everything OUT!
Although she knows what is going on around her and remembers everything about everyone, she doesn't always remember what happened to her, so she is reminded daily of why she is there. It's so sad b/c she feels her face & gets really depressed b/c she thinks she looks funny. This is also causing her to deny visitors :( I know it will take time and this is only the beginning of what she will endure mentally.
But Alissa has got SO many supporters and people praying for her. It doesn't matter what she looks like, she will always have a million friends and people loving her!
I'm leaving you with a picture her mom just sent me that made me cry.
Alissa truly is making such miraculous recovery and walked for the first time today!!
Praise God!


Elisabeth said...

Praying for Alissa I'm so sorry she's going through all this.

The Pifer's said...

This post brought tears to my eyes, she is so young to have to endure these things, I am praying for her on so many levels, for a fast recovery, for her to continue to heal properly, for her eyes to heal good where she is not blind, for her memory, for peace....I love you sweetie, you are an amazing friend, a great wife, a wonderful sister and an amazing SISTER IN LAW AND DAUGHTER IN LAW. Keep her positive!

Love ya!

Amber said...

wonderful news for her to walk again! I know its still a long road but I know God has a miraculous plan for her.

~Shelly~ said...

Thats amazing that she is walking! Still praying for her recovery.

lots of love said...

That girl has such strength! I cannot even imagine. I hope her eyesight in her right eye heals on its own. Keep the updates coming! And that pic of Gavin & Kyndal is precious!