Hey guys!
So, I've been thinking & planning for Gavin's 1st birthday party lately. And although it won't be big, I'm going w/the Baby Einstein Theme since it is his FAVORITE!
But I've looked and looked and just am not having luck finding someone to make him a shirt.
I've gotten on Etsy, and there is one that does t-shirts for boys w/the caterpillar, but it just looks really cheap (not to sound picky), but in experience, I know that cheap shirts fit him funny.I REALLY like the one in this picture below, but they only do the whole set together. Is there anyone on here that can help me out making him a t-shirt that looks like the one pictured below w/maybe his name on it?
p.s. I'm hoping to have it in about a month so I can do pictures.
Thanks everyone!

Here's his bib, that I'm not in love with. But, I don't mind buying a better one to go w/the shirt also.

OMG Rosie I'm not lying I was just on etsy earlier & saw that same caterpillar shirt & thought if we have a boy next I'm so doing that for a first birthday! Ha! Rylie LOVES the very hungry caterpillar so I'm hoping our next kid will too. There were a few others I saw on etsy too with the caterpillar so I hope you find something you like! Such a cute theme!
I have 1st b'day on my brain, too!! I'm getting stressed! I don't personally know this person, but she makes some really cute/creative stuff for her daughter. She has a facebook page, too. You can look at her blog here: http://www.thebilberrys.com/.
I've seen some cute stuff here, too: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Twinkie-Boutique/164519271218. Not sure if either of these can do what you want, but it's worth a shot. So glad your sister n law is doing better. The pics of her car made me cringe - God was watching over her!!
Have you checked with Ashley from SheSheMade?
My mom and I own our own business doing appliqued shirts and custom kids clothing. We could do you a shirt just like the pic on here. We buy most of our shirts at target, so the are good quality. You can look at our facebook page here http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Turtle-Feathers/116308901757951
Just send me a message on face book if you are interested. We could do a bib also to match the shirt.
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