Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Need some help...

Hey guys!
So, I've been thinking & planning for Gavin's 1st birthday party lately. And although it won't be big, I'm going w/the Baby Einstein Theme since it is his FAVORITE!
But I've looked and looked and just am not having luck finding someone to make him a shirt.
I've gotten on Etsy, and there is one that does t-shirts for boys w/the caterpillar, but it just looks really cheap (not to sound picky), but in experience, I know that cheap shirts fit him funny.
I REALLY like the one in this picture below, but they only do the whole set together. Is there anyone on here that can help me out making him a t-shirt that looks like the one pictured below w/maybe his name on it?
p.s. I'm hoping to have it in about a month so I can do pictures.
Thanks everyone!

Here's his bib, that I'm not in love with. But, I don't mind buying a better one to go w/the shirt also.


lots of love said...

OMG Rosie I'm not lying I was just on etsy earlier & saw that same caterpillar shirt & thought if we have a boy next I'm so doing that for a first birthday! Ha! Rylie LOVES the very hungry caterpillar so I'm hoping our next kid will too. There were a few others I saw on etsy too with the caterpillar so I hope you find something you like! Such a cute theme!

DustyandBrooke said...

I have 1st b'day on my brain, too!! I'm getting stressed! I don't personally know this person, but she makes some really cute/creative stuff for her daughter. She has a facebook page, too. You can look at her blog here:
I've seen some cute stuff here, too:!/pages/Twinkie-Boutique/164519271218. Not sure if either of these can do what you want, but it's worth a shot. So glad your sister n law is doing better. The pics of her car made me cringe - God was watching over her!!

Paige said...

Have you checked with Ashley from SheSheMade?

rae said...

My mom and I own our own business doing appliqued shirts and custom kids clothing. We could do you a shirt just like the pic on here. We buy most of our shirts at target, so the are good quality. You can look at our facebook page here!/pages/Turtle-Feathers/116308901757951

Just send me a message on face book if you are interested. We could do a bib also to match the shirt.