Monday, September 28, 2009

Baby Shower!

Amber & I w/the mommy to be
decorations & food!

The book cake
Beautiful Mommy to be!
Dr Seuess table w/green eggs & ham

Kelli & her family

Dirty Diaper game
gross! ha ha!
Of course I had to get him a Cowboys outfit!

This weekend, myself & my friend Amber threw our bestie, Kelli, her baby shower. The theme was "storytime" and we made it a brunch. Obviously, we decorated it it w/nursery rhymed stuff & of course the Dr. Seuss table w/green eggs & ham. It turned out great and we had so much fun doing this for her and my Godson Parker :) He will be here soon and I cannot wait! Oh & if you need a diaper cake, Amber & I will make one for you. We've decided we can become pro's at this ;) It was so much fun.


Lauren said...

How fun!!!!! So cute!! And soon you'll be having a baby shower of your very own!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Rosie! OMG! I am a terrible,horrible, rotten person! Oh my word, I had not been to your blog in so long I did not even know you were preggie!

I about passed out when I saw your ticker!


Oh I am so happy for you and Derek! Oh my goodness! How exciting! I read for just a moment further back on your blog. I will do my best to catch it all up soon. I am so happy to read you are feeling better symptoms wise. Such a blessing!

Thanks be to God for giving you this miracle you carry!