Monday, September 28, 2009

IVF Mixup

Good morning everyone! Hope you had a great weekend. Does anyone watch Good Morning America? I watch it when I'm getting ready for work every morning, and they had a topic about IVF mix-ups. People's embryos are getting mixed up and sometimes getting implanted w/someone elses' husband's sperm!!! I was floored to hear that so many people are dealing with this. Apparently it's becoming a common mistake. Luckily, I have not had to go through IVF, but I know the process very well and I would die if this happened to me!! One poor lady had her embryo mixed up w/another lady and carried the other lady's child and delivered it! She even gave it to the lady! Very noble I must say. Here's the link for the article on their website.

For those of you going through IVF, please check the hospital's references and history b/c I would HATE for this to happen to any of of my IF friends out there!

1 comment:

The Pifer's said...

HOW SCARY! Makes me more scared of IVF...I will def. need to talk to my clinic to see if they have had any of this--

LOVE the story time themed shower! You are too creative!

Love ya