Anyways, Not really a lot to update you all on. I had lots of morning sickness the last couple of days. Yay! I was really needing a reminder. I haven't taken any belly pics in a while b/c A) my little bumps are ugly & B) I haven't grown an inch! Sorry.
Tomorrow is my 2nd appointment. I believe they are just going to try to find the heartbeat. I'm praying I hear something b/c I need some major reassurance! All my books say it's too early to hear a heartbeat though. We'll see! Derek can't make it back in town in time to go. We're pretty bummed about that but he's all the way in Arkansas and just can't be here. I'm going to try and record the hearbeat on my phone and surprise him w/it by text if possible. He's actually really nervous about this appointment too which is surprising. I guess people have just been getting us worried b/c this is the time which some ppl have their miscarriage. Do I sound like I worry too much :) At my appointment I'm going to ask what else I can do about my belly bumps. It's only gotten worse and bothersome. Oh-and I can't wait to find out when I can get my flu shot. It's gotten so bad around here & my sis Sara & her kids all have it right now! I really don't want it again. I get it almost every year! Ugh!
Weight: down to my high school weight.
Clothes: wearing jeans from 2 years ago!
(Can you see why I'm nervous about my appt yet?)
Sleep: my back is strangely hurting while I sleep
Best Moment of the Week: Hosting Kelli's baby shower!
Food Cravings: Soup & candy! I'm loving Twizzlers & laffy taffy!
What I miss: My hubby :(
Looking forward to : hearing my baby's heartbeat tomorrow!
I think that will be an amazing way to suprise him, with a recording of your baby's heartbeat...and I am almost def. you will get to hear it--most people whom I've known always get to hear there babies around this time... :)
Hope you are feeling a tad better today!
Love ya!
Your pregnancy will end up flying by! I found your blog and wanted to comment!
I hope you get to hear the heartbeat tomorrow... I remember when I went to hear the heartbeat I was 11 weeks and they told me not to worry if they couldn't find it because it could be a little early.. I do hope you get to hear it though because it is such a sweet sweet sound :)
Oh goodness. Sorry to hear the M/S kicked back in. I know you would not trade it for anything though. Just being pregnant, I am sure you are willing to take it all for that end result. So many of us would.
I truly hope you do not get the flu and they can give you the shot soon. You might hear the heart beat. My sister heard her kids around 9-10 weeks. The doctor said it was because she was so thin.
I hope it's not swine flu here either. We would be in a world of hurt because of the baby. He can't get the shot yet and it's not even available yet. Just the regular flu shot is available. I have Danni the teen girl isolated to her room. However, she feels like such crap she has no desire to be anywhere but in bed. I did take her to Walmart today just to get her out. Not a good idea I am sure but she just followed me and did not touch anything!
I agree Walmart is so much cheaper, but I love looking at the items at Target better. That, and just having some where else to shop besides Walmart down here would be nice. LOL!
My stinky bean is kicking and talking up a storm right now. He likes watching TV way to much! Haha.
Take Care Ms Rosie!!!
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