Thursday, September 24, 2009

10 weeks and counting

Yesterday I hit my 10 week mark. As I briefly mentioned in a previous post, my symptoms have almost completely disappeared. I'm still hoping that this is normal. Remember, I was having pretty aweful morning sickness & now I have none. Nothing. Zilch. No complaints here, just a little bit concerned. We are going to the dr in a week for my 2nd visit. Hopefully we will be able to see the heartbeat to put my mind at ease. Also, the small rash/bumps I was getting on my tummy, have not gone away & actually getting worse. I was convinced I formed an allergy to cats, but wasn't around any in Dallas & it would flare up. I'm going to try a new laundry soap w/out fancy scents & softeners to see if that helps. Until then, no belly shots b/c these little bumps all over my tummy are just plain ugly :)
Weight:no gain
Clothes: I ordered my first pair of maternity jeans
& a maternity hoodie from Old Navy. Waiting for them to come in!
Best moment of the week: Meeting my new nephew Tuesday
Food cravings: Salad again
What I miss: clothes that fit-i have nothing to wear esp. w/the weather changing
Looking forward to: My next appointment


The Pifer's said...

I guess I will have to wait patiently until you will send me a belly picutre--heck I just need to see you in person, forget the belly pics :) Counting down till next week! MUAH!

Ashley said...

OMG..Rosie, this is the 1st time I have been on blogger in at least a month!! Congrats to you both and I am so happy to hear this AMAZING news!! Congrats on being an Aunt too :)

Love ya,

Veronica said...

Hi Rosie,

Just stopping by from Tiffany's blog to say hi! I announced on my blog today that I'm pregnant and Tiff mentioned to me that you and I are at at right around the same amount of weeks. My due date was originally on April 26 but they are now saying that it will probably be moved to April 20th. This is my 3rd little one and we're really excited. I am so happy for you that you guys are being blessed with a little one! Congrats!

Amber said...

Happy 10 weeks! I guess we are about 6 weeks apart, so excited to be sharing in the journey with you:)