Thursday, September 24, 2009

Connor Mitchell

Hi everyone! I'm back from Dallas & so excited to welcome everyone to see my new nephew!

Connor Mitchell

7 lbs, 1 oz

20 in long

Born 9-22-09, 4:36 pm

Lacy's C-section went very well. She went in to delivery so happy & cheesing ear to ear. William on the other hand was as nervous as ever! It was cute. Poor baby Connor ended up staying in the nursery almost all day b/c he had fluid in his lungs & was breathing too fast. But he is a healthy baby boy & back with his parents. They are getting out Friday morning & making the drive from Dallas to Houston where they are making their home and enjoying their new family!

Here's just a few snaps I took. I will have more/better ones when they come to visit in a month.

Lacy & Connor
Connor & his daddy William

Me & my new nephew!

Connor & his grandpa


KellRich said...

OMG he is adorable- I am soo happy for Lacy- she is just glowing =] Glad you are back...I missed you! Yay for your maternity clothes coming in!!!! They are so much more comfy (with the elastic and all...haha). Can't wait for're the BEST!

The Pifer's said...

LOVE the pictures, he is so stinkin' adorable!!!! They look so happy and you sweetie look like one very proud aunt!!!!