Monday, March 28, 2011


This weekend, Gavin took off and finally started walking for real! He's been taking steps since he was 9 months old and I wasn't sure when he would be brave enough to just go for it. Then a couple weeks ago, he was taking 4 steps at a time. Now, he is all over the place. I just could not get a good video of his walking far, but this will do. I'm glad I at least got it on video.

He's also added to his new legs, with a whole new vocabulary. Just as we started walking this weekend, he also started making sounds he's never made and also copying every word we tell him to say. The cuutest one is "Hat" b/c he says it so clearly. LOL! I have to get the one on video too.

This first video isn't much and the TV is blasting! Apparently, the more gavin talks, the more my hubby turns the TV up. He crashed into me at the end too. And yes, my living room is the official toy room.

And here's a much better video from this morning. Isn't he the cutest boy ever? I'm such a proud Mommy!


Nichole said...

So cute! Have fun! :o)

Lea Liz said...

Yay Gavin!!!! Such a big boy!!!

Amber said...

Yeah Gavin! How exciting for him to start walking!

The Pifer's said...

AWWWWW I love it!!!!

DustyandBrooke said...

Yea, Gavin!! And lookout, Mama!!

lots of love said...

YAY Gavin!!! I cant believe he's about to be 1 in less than 2 weeks too! Time went by so fast!