We had some pretty crappy weather come through our community last night and man was I scared!!! Derek had left for work out of state a few hours before. And I had just gotten Gavin to bed, when my phone started ringing with everyone telling me to take cover b/c there were tornadoes. I am TERRIFIED of tornadoes. I was in one when I was about 5 or 6 and my mom has always been scared of them, so it's really aweful when one comes near us. I got Gavin out of his crib and took him in the hallway with the dogs and Hunkered down!!!
I could hear the crazy winds and humming and our chairs hitting the windows, but luckily, nothing severe happened. I saw quite a bit of damage in my small town, but nothing severe.Derek made me stay on the phone with him the whole time too b/c he was so scared for us. He could hear the winds and storm through the phone.
Whew! That was scary!
Of course, Gavin thought that I brought him into the hall to play with the dogs, so he ended up not going back to bed till 11:30!!! AND proceeded to wake up every hour. It was a lonnnnggg night!
Did I mention I hated tornadoes....
Oh how scary with your hubby not being home!!! Glad you all were okay! We have been having terrible weather too!!
VERY SCARY! So thankful nothing major came of that storm!! <3 ya
I hate tornadoes too! I'm kinda glad I dont have to worry about them down here too much, altho they do still occur & there's no sirens down here! Glad yall stayed safe!
I HATE them too! Im sooo glad we were not home when they came through- but Kinley was there with my parents so I racked up a $70 phone bill from the cruise just in that night alone! I would FREAK OUT if I were home alone with Kinley like u were!!!
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