Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Still alive

Just writing a quick post to let everyone know I'm still alive around here. I've taken pictures and stored in my head all the stuff I want to talk about, but I just don't have time. Work is just insanely busy, and since work & family go hand in hand, my personal life is just as busy.
I'm sad I never did a 10 OR 11 month post for Gavin either. I'm trying to catch up on everyone's blogs, but dont' have time to leave comments yet.
This week, Derek's aunt and I have been working on getting Alissa's room set up at her parents' house. She was supposed to have surgery on Tuesday, but it's been delayed until they can tell where she has fluid in the brain leaking. It's been that way from day 1, but it's a concern now due to the way she is starting to not make sense. Scary stuff. She got the CAT scan today (after 2 failed attempts) and hopefully will know tomorrow when she is coming home and when her big surgery will be to fix everything else. It's just a huge stressful waiting game.
Gavin is amazing. He's still learning to walk and can take several steps, until he realizes he's walking and sits down. lol.
He weighed 23 lbs on Monday when he turned 11 months & his words of the week are "Uh, Uh, Ohhhh" & "Mama."
If it weren't for him being so amazing, I probably would have met my breaking point by now with all the stress I'm under.
He's my angel.

OK, this post took me two hours to complete. Hopefully, I'll post again soon when things calm down.


The Pifer's said...

Love ya sweets! I know things are stressful, just know I'm (as well as many) are praying for y'all!!!! HUGS! :)

DustyandBrooke said...

Bless you! It's amazing how a sweet baby smile can make any day better!

Anonymous said...

It is such a horrible thing about your SIL accident. I hope they are able to find the source of leak soon and get her well on the way to recovery.

Sounds like Gavin is doing amazing. Our little 1 year old guy is not yet walking. He is still a bit delayed physically but he makes improvements daily.

Hopefully things will calm down for you guys soon.

lots of love said...

Sorry for so much stress you've got going on! Hope you get a break soon. Great news on Gavin walking!