What you are looking at is a very obvious sign I'm a Mommy. Every morning, I have to have a Dr. Pepper. Get's me going. Especially lately since it seems like Gavin has another ear infection and isn't sleeping well. (Going to the Dr. today)
So part of my routine in the mornings involves putting my Dr. Pepper in my cup holder in my car & then loading up Gavin for daycare. Once I get to work, I bring in my stuff & set my D.P. down on my desk in t he same spot. Exciting huh?
About 30 minutes into my workday, I go to get a drink and I see this. A sippy cup w/juice in it. And no Dr. Pepper in sight.
Yep, I'm definitely a mom. lol.
OOps! :oP
LOL!!!! Your so funny!!
Too funny!! If you're like me, you check when you get to work to make sure you have two of the same shoes and two of the same earrings on...wonder if Gavin got a surprise DP at daycare today?!!? Love the new blog look!
Im sure it made ur day at the same time ;) And I wish I had that outside view from my desk!!
That's probably the cutest story I've ever heard!
Hi Rosie!
It's been so long since I last posted on your blog or since we last spoke. I do admit I have been reading the blog. I'm such a loser I tell ya.
I have to laugh at your "I am such a mom" comment. Just today I said that exact same thing. However, mine was more of a gross nature. My 1 year old had thrown up on me and I had yet to change my shirt yet. I was sitting on the couch rocking him while he moaned and was having tummy tissues(both ends) had the puke bucket next to me and I was still drinking my Dr.Pepper even though the puke and poop smell was HORRID!
I love being a mom!
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