Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Alissa's Car



If you have a weak stomach, please do not open!!

I got all the pictures from Alissa's wreck & thought I would post a few of her car.
It will be clear to you just how lucky she is to be alive.
Yesterday was her facial reconstructive surgery. It took the Dr's 11 long hours to do the whole thing. It included, rebuilding her jaw & fixing her teeth, putting metal plates in her forehead & cheeks, & working on her eye sockets & also working on her nose. Once all of that swelling goes down, she will go back to get a new bridge for her nose & what was described at a screen behind her eyes to hold them in place instead of sunken in.
She's just in a ton of pain now, but we're all glad the hard part is over. She's made it over the hill with the support of everyone around her including God!
If you look closely, you can see the hair on the right of the car from the bull.
The tree is from when her friend grabbed the wheel to get them out of traffic and ran off the road.


Lea Liz said...

Wow, those pictures are so terrible. She is so lucky, God is good! Glad to hear she is doing better. Hope she isn't in too much pain and heals quickly!

Lauren said...

I am just now catching up!!!! Oh my gosh, there are no words!!! God was so looking out for her. What a miracle!!!!

Nichole said...

I am amazed. God really had a hand on that car and her. Hope that she heals quickly.

~Shelly~ said...

That is unreal. Do we know what is going to happen to the owner of that bull?

lots of love said...

I've been completely MIA this week & missed all this! wow! She's such a LUCKY girl to have made it through all this & sounds like she's so strong! A girl I knew in VM hit a horse that went through her windshield & she wasnt so lucky. I will keep thinking of Alissa & your family & praying for a speedy recovery! Glad to hear she's making such great progress!

Veronica said...

Oh wow...I have no words. Just amazed at everything! I will continue praying for Alissa to have a speedy recovery. Sounds like she is a fighter!

The Pifer's said...

WOW! God was def. right by her side, as well as her friend, the night of that accident! I am praying for a speedy recovery for her, God is GREAT!
