Thursday, October 15, 2009

Deer Season!

No, I'm not talking about hunting season. I'm talking about the season that I get to see huge deer every day on my way to work in the country. I drive by this open ranch and daily, I see about 4 to 5 Buck along with about 10-15 Doe. This guy who owns this land used to raise them but got a mightly large ticket for having so many. So lucky me, they are out in the open and running free, just for me to take pics. In case you forgot, I used to have a pet deer that my FIL rescued. His name was Fred but he got ran over by a drunk kid a few months ago :( But anyways, I just wanted to share my picture I just snapped on my way to work this morning. You don't have to think it's neat but I do! It takes little to amuse me.

Have a great day!


Lea Liz said...

Wow that is neat!!

My husabdn would love that!

The Pifer's said...

I think it's awesome! I love the many 'views' of country life! Love you!