Wednesday, October 14, 2009

13 weeks and counting!

I'm officially 3 months pregnant! Woo Hoo! So far, as sick as I have been these 1st 3 months, I didn't think I would make it. But, it's true what they say and it does get better.

D & I have discovered that him working out of town is interesting while I'm pregnant. You know how when you see someone every day, it's hard to notice changes in their body (like weight loss or gain)? Well, we don't see each other every day, so when he's come home it's like a new me every time! Even if it's only a few days difference. My belly and baby are just growing so fast and I love seeing D's face light up when he sees it. He rubs Vitamin E oil on my tummy b4 bed b/c it's supposed to be a bonding experience & he's already talking to the baby. It's so sweet. We have also started thinking of names & he is very involved in that. He actually wants a baby name book. I think I may get him one just to humor him, but he will not be picking out our girl's name. We already have a boy name picked. Sounds mean, but I don't really like any that he's mentioned. He told my parents he wants to name a girl Robin b/c our last name is Graves. Ummm...Robin Graves? (get it)NO Way Jose!

How far along? 13 weeks

Weight-Still haven't gained any believe it or not.

Maternity Clothes-nope but so close! Got the rubber band action going b/c my bella band shows under my shirts

Sleep- Good when D's not home. When he is, I can't use all the millions of pillows I have to make me comfortable.

Best Moment of the Week-just being able to enjoy being pregnant & hearing everyones reactions to finding out.

Movement-none yet

Food Cravings-Soup! All the time. And candy-darn you Halloween for having such appealing bags of candy everywhere I go!

Food adversions-I'm over salad big time & fried food still doesn't settle well with me.

Morning sickness-pretty limited. Almost all gone!

Gender-won't know till around Thanksgiving

Belly Button-still in

What I miss-I can't think of anything-I'm just enjoying the changes now!

Looking forward to-my 1st ultrasound on the 29th, my b-day weekend the 25th, my Godson being born soon, & getting to see my nephew Connor again.

Before you look at my belly, just know that in the mornings, it is almost as flat as B.P.(before pregnancy) but after a full day of eating, this is what I get :) A Big Ol' Belly!


Dianne said...

That is wonderful that you are feeling better. That happened to me right about that time, isn't it wonderful to not throw up anymore!!!!!!!

Lauren said...

Your bump is geting cuter and cuter!!!! :)

~Jo*Jo~ said...

Oh, Rosemary! I am so excited for you - Congratulations! I haven't been on here in forever, so I'm a bit behind, but I am so happy for you and Derek! :)

The Pifer's said...

Your little belly is just a growing, I can tell a huge difference from last week to this week! I LOVE looking at it week to week!!!! Love you lots! :)

Anonymous said...

It's just beatuimus Rosie! I love the belly! So very happy for you!

To much going on here to do much talking but I did want to check in on you!