Woah! I cannot believe I'm already 15 weeks! Not that it's any significant # or anything, it's just that time it flying by now! I guess since I've been so busy this week, it seems that way. Nothing new or exciting going on in my pregnancy world. I'll post my updates at the bottom. BUT, I do have some exciting news. My godson Parker was born!!!
He was supposed to be born this morning, but as always, nothing is ever as planned. Tuesday night, Kelli had him at 7:57. He was expected to weight at least 9 1/2 lbs but ended up weighing a healthy 7 lb, 12 oz & was 21 in long. She did have a C-section even though she was 2 days early. Like I said, predicted to weigh a lot more! Baby & Mommy are doing great and I'm so proud of her hubby Cody (My hubby's best friend). He's been a trooper and stepped right up and taken care of little Parker. Poor Kelli is obviously pretty out of commission from her C-section. Anyways, I just love him to death! I got a few pics but not as many as I hoped. There were sooooo many people taking pics I just stood back :)
Cody "Parker" Richardson
Mommy holding him for the 1st time
Parker & his daddy
I'm his favorite ;)
I love this pic! All 4 generations of Richardson boys.
Sleepy Baby
How far along? 15 weeks
Weight-Gained 1 lb at home, check accurate weight tomorrow
Maternity Clothes-no but I bought some leggings and loose shirts to wear until then
Sleep- Still Really want to roll on my tummy
Best Moment of the Week-My birthday weekend & meeting my Godson Tuesday
Movement-not yet
Food Cravings-soup
Food adversions-fried foods still & chinese got me on Monday.
Gender-won't know till around Thanksgiving
Belly Button-still in
What I miss-chinese food :)
I'm Looking forward to-ultrasound tomorrow. Derek's going w/me & hasn't gone since our 1st one. Hopefully we'll get to find out the sex. Fingers crossed!!!!
I love the pictures of Parker, he is so cute!!!!
Can't wait to hear ALL about your appt!
Love ya!
Wow small world! I'm a friend of Tiffany Pifers & came across your blog. Your friend Kelli is married to a guy I went to Elem school with K-7th grade! Cody Richardson! I went to VM with him! Congrats on their little boy & your Godson!
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