Monday, October 26, 2009

Birthday weekend!!

We had such a fun weekend for my 26th Birthday! Friday, Kelli & Cody invited us over for what turned out to be my "b-day dinner" & it was soo good! Saturday we got up and went to my parents to see my sister & Connor before we headed out of town. D looked so sweet holding a baby & I must say, it felt pretty natural for me to hold him too! Lacy is doing good & mommyhood fits her great. Afterwards, we headed for Dallas/Grapevine. When we got to our hotel at the Gaylord Texan we were kind of in awe! You would think we never got our of our house. The pictures don't do it any sort of justice, whatsoever! All of the Cowboys were there for their pre-game meeting & lunch & we saw a couple of them. It's the biggest resort in TX so you could imagine what all was in it. I'll spare you the details. We had a nice steak dinner & went across the street to the Bass Pro Shop *aka* D's favorite store. He could spend hours there but luckily this time, it was only 1. When we got back we went for a stroll around the resort and on their riverwalk. Derek felt like a cheesy photo op so you'll see a couple of those below.
After a much needed night of rest, we got up Sunday & had a romantic breakfast on our balcony before heading to the game. We got to the stadium early enough to look around for a while & enjoy everything. We sat pretty far up b/c there were absolutely NO seats available online, but it didn't matter b/c the screen was ginormous! They did a special half time breast cancer awareness program that was just so sweet. So much pink in the stadium yesterday. I took about a million pics that I'll be posting on Facebook tomorrow probably, so if you want to see all of them, look me up on fb Rosemary Graves. Anyways, it was the best birthday EVER and I'm so glad my boys kicked butt! Woo Hoo! p.s. Excuse the beard on the hubby. Apparently he thinks he's a mountain man as soon as the weather gets cold here. Ha!

Our hotel view
Cheesy Photo Op


The Pifer's said...

I LOVE the pictures! It looks like y'all had a great time!!! I'm so happy you had a great birthday!

Love ya!

Amber said...

love all the pictures it sounds and looks like you had a great time! I know my hubby used to work at the Gaylord in nashville and it was so amazing and unreal so Im guessing the one there was the same way.

Lauren said...

Awww, what a wonderful birthday weekend!!!!! :)