Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Break's over!

So tomorrow will be my hubby and I's first appointment w/my ob/gyn since he put us on a Clomid break. It has been sooo nice to not be on any medicine that makes me hormonal and gives me hot flashes from hell! And it seems that my "system" is working just fine without it. I think every single person I know has asked me, "So, what's next?" Well, if I knew then I would surely tell you :) I appreciate all the interest but I'm pretty nervous about what might be next. I'm actually pretty surprised at how many people have heard about my infertility and want to know every little step we're taking. I personally don't feel very comfortable even talking about it with people I know. It's awkward. That's why I took up this blog. I can spill my worries and heartakes and gripe about Clomid, and nobody is looking me in the face like they feel sorry for me. Anyways, tomorrow is the big day. DH came home till after Labor Day so that he could go, so we've just been trying not to think about it and enjoy each other's company. Tomorrow will be super busy for me so hopefully I can tell you all how it went on Friday.


Lauren said...

Will be thinking of ya!!

The Pifer's said...

Love you lots...I just know the future holds amazing things for you and D! :)

Amber said...

Good luck with everything tomorrow you will definitely be in my prayers:)

Anonymous said...

How exciting! I pray this time around you do not have to experience those terrible hot flashes.

I wish you all the best on your soul trek on your way to meeting your child.