Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday update

Hey everyone. I didn't have much of an eventful weekend. My hubby ended up having to stay out of town for work until next weekend so all my plans with him were broken. At least he's making the $$!

Friday after work I ran some errands b/c I did not want to get up on Sat, on tax free weekend and fight the crowds. However, I didn't succeed in my plan and everyone and all their kids were already out shopping.

Saturday, one of my besties Kelli, had her first baby shower. It was for her friends and family on her dad's side. I'm throwing her one next month for her friends and family on her mom's side and her inlaws. I took only a few pictures but promise to take lots more at the next one. Here's one of the 3 of us. Isn't she the cutest?
That night, my friend Jenn just came over and we hung out till we feel asleep.
And Sunday, I did absolutely NOTHING! I was lazy allll dayyy lonnngg and make no apologies!
Hope you all had a great weekend as well!


The Pifer's said...

I'm glad you had a good weekend, I bet you will be super excited to see Derek when he gets home! Kelly looks beautiful!! :)

Lauren said...

Sounds like the perfect weekend to me if you could just add the hubby in there :(

Amber said...

sounds like a great time and what a cute picture of the two of you:)

KellRich said...

Our first prego pic together!