Tuesday, July 21, 2009

SA results

Some of you asked if Derek had an SA done recently. And I haven't really touched on this much but he's had a hard time in the process. He had a semen analysis done when we first started ttc and it came back abnormal. They referred him to a urologist then there was a bunch of stuff going on at the time with me visiting my (ex) dr. She ended up telling him not to worry about it and it's not a big deal. All we were told was that he had a high number of abnormal sperm.
Then with my new dr, he had to have one done. They give the guys an hour to turn it in to the lab and my poor hubby got lost trying to find it so it was too late. Then he went on July 3rd, and they were closed. So luckily he was in town last Friday and he made it!

My nurse called and informed me that everything that really matters looks really good. He had a few more abnormal swimmers than they like to see,but that it wasn't anything to be concerned about. My Dr doesn't even want to see us before my scheduled visit in August. Which I'm glad about.

So, with my clear HSG, and his passed SA, we aren't really sure what is taking so long. We are so relieved that there isn't anything serious going on though, and we both pray and hope that we are successful at ttc very soon with this good news!


The Pifer's said...

I am so excited that everything went great!!!! God is awesome!!! You and Derek will make it through this journey and I can't wait to see :)

Love you lots!

KellRich said...

I started to call you last night to ask you the SA results! It's only a matter of time sweet girl!!! Look how everything is turning out for you guys now that y'all made the dr. switch! I hope and pray that you get the news you both want and deserve!!! Love you very much!!!

Amber said...

great news to hear things are all good. Hope that you are blessed with a little one soon:)