Wednesday, July 15, 2009

HSG update

I'm back from the hospital and good news, my fallopian tubes look great and my uturus is normal. That's the good news. The bad news, it hurt like HELL! lol. I must have zero pain tollerance b/c it brought me to tears how painful it got at times. But, no pain-no game right? Hopefully what I heard about these were true, and that's that the following three months after an HSG you are most fertile. We'll see. I feel like we are this much closer to getting pregnant now. Thanks for the prayers and text and calls. I feel so blessed to have people care over something that others may view as not a big deal.


Leslee said...

Oh no! I have to go for mine soon & now I'm scared. I HATE PAIN! Glad everything looked well! woo hoo!

The Pifer's said...

Maybe because you are so itty bitty thats why it hurt?? I also had been "invaded" by Dr's alot more before mine so maybe it prepared me in a sense and thats why mine never hurt?? I am so sorry yours hurt, but I am SOOO glad that everything went great. You will be super fertile the next couple months--YEAAA!!!!! :)

Love ya chicky!!

SLM said...

I had an HSG and it hurt like crazy, too! I'm so sorry!!! I took Aleve (I have an allergy to ibuprofin) and that helped with the pain.

Also, not to give false hope, but I got pregnant 10 days after my HSG. It does happen! :-) Maybe it will for you, too. And if it doesn't, I pray that it will give you some answers.

Lauren said...

How great. Such wonderful news!! :)

Dianne said...

No you are not a wimp. it was VERY unpleasant for me too!!! Like the worst cramps ever!!!! Good Luck!!!!!!!!