Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My nice long weekend!

We had a great Memorial Day weekend although my poor hubby had to work most of it. I'm thankful for the amount of time he was home though. And I'm also thankful for all of the soldiers and everything they've done for our freedom!
I don't remember which night was which but I think Friday, we just stayed in. I had so much lack of sleep I was exhausted. Sat, I had just a girls night in w/my bestie Jenn. Derek worked a ton this weekend so I had to keep myself occupied. Sunday, he & I actually went shopping together. Always fun when you go shopping w/the hubby(insert sarcasm here).Then we attended his little sister Alissa's Bacclaurette for Graduation. I CANNOT believe she's graduating. I remember meeting her when she was like 12!! Then we headed to the lake where there were a MILLION ppl! Monday, Derek & I met our friends Cody & Kelli @ the lake(surprise) & spent the day baking in the sun & enjoying Memorial Day! We were able to have a nice dinner when we got home then Derek left for Arkansas for a job :( I already miss him. Although he does not like to count it anymore, our 6 year anniversary was this weekend. Not wedding anniversary-just how long we've been together. I can't believe it was 6 whole years ago we started dating on 6th street in Austin & both still lived at home w/our parents. Ha!

Fuzzy pic of us w/Alissa
Me & my fave sister in law!
My sexy man & me ;)
Kelli hanging in the boat
Enjoying the ride
Derek & Cody swimming in the nasty lake water

The famous eagles nest & 2 bald eagles(sorry they are hard to see)

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