Thanks to my friend Tiff, I got on the BBT bandwagon to see for myself if and when I was ovulating. Unfortunately, I just started it this month after 1 1/2 yrs of ttc! I know, terrible...
But this month, I discovered that I did not ovulate on days 13-15 like my dr. always predicted. I actually ovualted on CD 20!! I can't help but think "all this time?!?" "I could have been ttc on cd's 18-24!!" BUT, my dr. said that since I'm on Clomid, I should not be O-ing so late in my cycle and not to think that we were doing it wrong. She said that even though my temp indicates I o'd, it very well could have been a "dud." Which wouldn't surprise me with my luck! With that said, IF I actually O'd according to my bbt, then we may have a good chance that we conceived b/c we bd all around that time. I'm not getting my hopes up but I think it's great that I finally am getting somewhere on the road to becoming pregnant! I had my 21 day labs done Wed. the day after I supposedly O'd, and the results were very low and bad, but she's having me come back next Wednesday to get them again b/c I'm obviously late. Please cross your fingers and say your prayers for us b/c we really need them right now. Sorry if this post confused anyone. I won't get my results till next Friday, but as soon as I get them, I'll let you all now!
I was another who O much later than the "normal" When I took clomid I O anywhere from 9-12 days after the last pill so you may be the same way:) Prayers for you this cycle that things work out for you two:)
Honey, I am so glad you did the BBT, I hope this gets you answers, I am so excited to see what your prog. level will be!!! Love you lots!!
Hey missy. I did not know that you were having trouble getting pregnant. I will be praying for yall. For a wonderful pregnancy with a beautiful healthy baby. Love you girl...Oh and I will put your prayer button on my page!
Love and Hugs,
Im saying prayers for you and keeping my fingers crossed!!!
I just came across your blog from April Rose's blog. Wanted to say I conceived both my boy's with Clomid and got a +OPK on days 18 and 17. So I might have o'ed on days 18-20? So I don't care what the dr. says about when you should "o" on Clomid, your body does what it does and hopefully you, like me, will conceive!
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