Friday, we got snowed in. Last week was pretty long with all the nasty weather we had here in TX, and Friday was the worst. But at least it was pretty.
Gavin was so tired of being cooped up in the house, so Derek took him out to get a quick look at the snow for the first time. I didn't even have the proper clothes for him for this weather! Snow doesn't happen but once a year here. So, please refrain from judging my baby's glove-free hands and legs hanging out. He was only outside for a second!
You couldn't even see the street between our houses (this was my neighbor across the street's house). We don't have snow plows here & if we did, they wouldn't come out to where I live.
Hey Ver, we love Gavin's hat you crocheted for him. It's been PERFECT for this weather!
During our time being snowed in, Gavin & I found ways to stay busy. Including jumping into the blanket basket and playing.
I have such a cuddler. Anything soft gets a hug from him. He's so sweet!
We esp like watching Daddy build fires. G's so fascinated by the flames that we have to pile up pillows in front of the fire place when one is going- to keep him from trying to get too close.
There was definitely lots of resting and watching Baby Einstein & Mickey Mouse.
We're just glad to be out of the house again and back to our routine. We are also glad Daddy made it home for a few days to enjoy some family time with us.

Oh my gosh, he is SO stinkin cute!!!!!!! :)
Cabin fever!! Loved your dog post, too! Avery Claire has just figured out that if she beats on the window, Win might run by! She repeatedly goes back to the window. Isn't it so much fun to see how excited they get? I love that your dog sits by the window to see Gavin!
How precious is that smile?! He most definately looks like he has the best personality! Isn't all of the snow we have had this winter crazy? I'm sure next winter we won't have any at all and then we will be missing it!
Very Beatifull baby. :)
Love it! He is adorable outside in the snow, looks like he enjoyed it! :)
Look how cute he is in the snow! Glad you have a snuggler. Rylie's never been one. Maybe this next one will be.
(ps I also got a comment from the weirdo above Tiffany's comment. why do weird people who dont know us have to stalk our blogs? lol)
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