I'm a week behind on Gavin's 9 month post, but that's how long it's been since I've been able to catch up from having the flu all last week.
We went to the Dr. yesterday for his checkup & Gavin weighed 22.2 lbs. No change since last month. His weight is finally slowing down but he's still in the 85th percentile.
His height was 30 1/2 in. which makes him in the 95th percentile in height.
See how he's sitting in this picture below? Well, his dr. said he noticed that his legs aren't completely straight, causing him to be a little (for lack of better terms) knock-kneed. He sits on his knees & turns his feet out. Who knew that would cause that? So we have to keep a close eye on the way he sits to try to prevent it from getting worse.
Crawling & pulling up. And letting go!
Waving Hi
Saying Dada, Dog, Ki-Ka (kitty cat) MaMa, DeDe(our dog)& he said Hot in a cute little whisper when we were talking about the fireplace being off limits.
Now, his main words he says is DaDa & Dog. He loves those two!
Bath time has gotten more difficult. As much as he loves it, he loves standing up even more & refuses to sit down in the bath. Which means much shorter bath time!
Gavin's still into everything and more! If the baby gate in the hall isn't' shut, in a blink of an eye, he will be down the hall, in my room, in my bathroom! He's super quick! lol.
My chores seem a little easier b/c he can entertain himself quite well in any room I'm in.
My chores seem a little easier b/c he can entertain himself quite well in any room I'm in.
He also has an ear infection, so sleep has been a little more difficult as far as getting him down. But once he is, he will sleep 9 hours.
We are enjoying discovering all the table food he likes and dislikes.His fav baby food is peas, but the real deal not so much. I think the texture bothers him.
With Daddy being home, our routine has been a little easier. I cook dinner while Derek gives him his bath when he gets home from work. They have SO much fun together in the evenings. As you can tell :)
He would die if he knew I put this on here!

Last night we gave Gavin spaghetti for the first time. He ate a lot for the first try, but those noodles are hard to handle.
Oh, and a quirky little thing Gavin is into: he carries his spoons everywhere with him. I have a couple Gerber ones that are "gelly" and don't work well, so I let him hold them & he will not let go! They are always in his hand! lol.

I think that covers everything going on in my 9 MONTH OLD! It's a little bittersweet that he's almost 1. I've starting slowly planning his b-day.
Last night we gave Gavin spaghetti for the first time. He ate a lot for the first try, but those noodles are hard to handle.
Oh, and a quirky little thing Gavin is into: he carries his spoons everywhere with him. I have a couple Gerber ones that are "gelly" and don't work well, so I let him hold them & he will not let go! They are always in his hand! lol.
I think that covers everything going on in my 9 MONTH OLD! It's a little bittersweet that he's almost 1. I've starting slowly planning his b-day.
It just goes so fast when you have a little one hitting milestones every time you blink. I'm so blessed to have such a happy healthy baby boy keeping me on my toes! Soon, he'll be a happy little toddler keeping me on my toes!!
He is so precious and getting SO big!!!!!
He is adorable, I love the pic of Derek and him!! Hope your feeling better sweetie :)
It seriously feels like yesterday he was born & he looks so mature in these new pics! Eating table food & all!
My goodness, look how big he is! He looks like he is really enjoying the peas and carrots!
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