Monday, December 27, 2010

Pajama Party

Future Boyfriend and Girlfriend
I was off work Thursday & took Gavin out of daycare to spend the day with me and decided that we could watch my friend Mindy's baby, Bree for the day since she needed a sitter.
I forgot how easy and little babies are at 3 months!
I also forgot how difficult it was to multitask at that age as well. lol.
It actually went pretty smooth the entire day, until Gavin hit his head on the table cutting it, at the same time Bree was hungry, which made Gavin hungry. It was ok though. Once I got the bottles to the babies, it was smooth sailing!
I did feel like super mom at first. I baked two batches of cookies, did laundry, finished wrapping gifts & kept 2 babies happy for 6 hours without any crying :) Go me!


lots of love said...

Oh wow! You are supermom! That's quite a successful day!

Veronica said...

Alright, go Rosie! Glad you had a great day with two. Good prep for the possible future, huh? :)

DustyandBrooke said...

Wow, I can't imagine!! Glad you guys had a great Christmas!

The Pifer's said...

WOW! You go girl!!!! What a cute little 'future' couple if I say so myself ;-)