Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Rosie-The Inventor?

If I had lots of money and resources, I'd try to get these made and go to some big company and sell my idea. But, since I don't have either, I'll post my great idea on blogger in hopes that SOMEONE sees it!
We have a problem in my car. My son isn't a huge fan of his car seat. But more than anything, he HATES riding in the car in the dark. I can turn the back light on, but that blinds me. I even have toys that light up. I've tried those LED push lights but they don't stick to his seat. Nothing works.
So while enduring one of his many evening meltdowns on the way home from daycare (thank you time change) I came up with a bright idea!
Car seat track lights.
You can push a button and the ones on the seat part, light up. Another button for the ones on the back rest part of the carseat.
Even cooler would be if they can project an image on the ceiling of the car.
I truly believe that EVERY single carseat should come installed with lights built into them that you can turn on and off.
And if any of you moms out there have a child who hates riding in the car as much as mine, you probably understand.
Here's Exhibit A:
Gavin's carseat with images of where the lights will be. They could be the kind that turn in whatever direction you want.
I'm not talented enough to show an image of what the projector would look like, but basically it would shine out of the middle light on the seat part and project onto the ceiling of the car.
Uh-May-Zing! LOL!
Aren't Moms always supposed to be the best inventors? Do I have any followers out there that have come up w/any great ideas like this? ;)


Elisabeth said...

Now that is a good idea. I did see that dodge has some sort of lighting for the backseat (in it's mini vans)it's not bright but you get enough light for your back passengers.

But your idea is an even more brillant idea because if people don't want that feature down the road or don't want to trade in cars (personally I'm not a mini van person with the exception of the honda) or can't afford it putting lights on the seat is a great idea.

What you could do is contact a few of the carseat makers. I know they'll love your idea.

~Jo*Jo~ said...

Pure.Genius :)

lots of love said...

Love it!

Veronica said...

Haha about being an inventor! Moms really do come up with the best ideas!

Of all my girls, Alyssa was the one that hated car rides in the dark as a baby. She would scream and scream. I made sure to have her paci ready and tried to get her to take it for when we got in the car but many times that didn't even work. I think she just eventually outgrew it and stopped crying after a while. Hang in there, momma! I KNOW it's not easy at times. I've been struggling lately bigtime but I keep reminding myself it won't be like this forever!

The Pifer's said...

What a neat idea!!!! I bet you could make tons of money off of that if you could get one made :)

Your sooo smart! xoxo