Monday, November 15, 2010

Let the party planning begin...

Gavin is more than half way to a year old. Let the party planning begin!

OK- I am totally exaggerating! I am not planning a big ol party for my one year old. Yes, we'll have a party, but he won't know any different yet. And when he does, the Martha Stewart in me will come out in full force!

I don't even know what he's getting from Santa yet this year yet!

Gavin turned 7 months old Sunday. I weighed him at 21.2 lbs. By looking at pictures, he's finally thinning out. And getting LOTS more hair! His daddy doesn't keep his hair long enough to fix, and I have NO idea what to do w/boys' hair. This should be interesting.

His whole 6th month, brought on lots of changes it seems.

When he got sick, he started holding his bottle on his own. Something that he was always too lazy to do before.

We tried the sippy cup & although he can put his mouth on it and suck, he's not a fan yet. So, that will be on hold for now.

Gavin is "seconds" away from crawling. All weekend, Derek and I watched him learn. He's been working on it for a couple months w/the rocking action, but never figured out the hands part. Saturday, he FINALLY did it! He crawled. Just a little though, so he's not officially a crawler yet.

Blurry picture, but you can see the excitement in his face.

He's also learned to sit up from a laying down position which I think is neat.

After him being sick for TWO whole weeks, I'm lacking w/pictures. But, we are so glad to have our happy little boy back to his normal self.

It's be complete HELL in the sleep department, but he is finally back in his crib and sleeping thru the night.

This is his last week at his current daycare. He goes to a girl who watches him and her own kids in her house and although we've been spoiled by her, I think this will be a good change for him.
This last month has been difficult on her and him b/c he's hasn't been sleeping there and has been fussy. I think she probably just didn't have enough hands for two babies the same age. She will be missed, but he is starting a new daycare I found in the town I work in.
I wanted something closer to my house, but it's not a big deal. I can't be picky w/the lack of openings around here. It was very stressful finding somewhere.Plus I can just go check on him any time and if he needs something I can just drive over there and deal with it. This place is out of a lady's home and she only watches 2 other kids during the day and two more after school. The youngest is 18 months and so Gavin will be the only baby.
I'm praying this change will be good b/c he's at the stranger/separation anxiety stage.
He starting saying Mama & Dada this weekend. I've been working hard on the Mama, but it's easier to day dada I guess. HOWEVER, his mama is more like "mamamamama" and his dada is more like "dadadadada" lol, so he's not officially saying it yet. Soon though!
This is SUCH a fun stage right now. We are so blessed to be able to enjoy it so much. Especially me, since I am with him 90% of the time. I'm excited the holidays are coming up. Gavin gets to meet family members he hasn't met yet, and gets to experience my very large/loud family all together for the first time.
Anyways, I'll stop before I start rambling too much. Happy 7 months to my Wittle Man. I love you sooo much!


Veronica said...

Happy seven months! I still have to work on my seven months post, which was supposed to be last Friday! Gavin is doing so well and has passed up Livvie in several areas! She still hasn't learned to get herself in the sitting postion yet, but she's close! I'm jealous that he's also saying mama and dada. Liv's starting to say mamma but it's only when she's crying! :(

The Pifer's said...


Love ya!