Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Faces of Baby Food

Starting Gavin on baby food hasn't really been much of an "adventure" since apparently my child will eat ANYTHING! He LOVES food. And I don't know the slightest thing about how much or when or anything about feeding babies. BUT, we make it work and he's having fun in the process.

At first I would let him hold his spoon every time, but have learned that it makes for a larger cleanup.
Fruit is his favorite. No surprise there since I love fruits and veggies. His most favorites are applesauce & green sweet peas.


I've had to stop keeping his clothes on him due to stubborn stains they are leaving on his clothes!

First time to try meat. My crazy kid only thinks he's going to love it as much as everything else!

Going for the grab!

"Wait! This isn't peaches!"


Oh man does he hate meat! I couldn't help but crack up every time he did this. I also cannot believe that we found something he doesn't like! lol.


Lauren said...

HAHA! Love it :) He’s getting SO big!!!!!

lots of love said...

Dude, I dont think any baby loves that meat stuff! haha Yay for starting solid foods tho! I loved buying Rylie baby foods & planning her little meals.