Monday, September 27, 2010

Connor's B-day party

This weekend was my nephew Connor's b-day party at my parents house. It wasn't anything big since he had his birthday party in Houston, but it was fun to get the whole family together since none of us could make it down there last weekend. I'm pretty proud of myself for actually being able to take pictures. I'm usually the one holding the baby!
One of Connor's gifts:my mom loves doing cute things w/her Cricut machine

Grandpa & Gavin

He was having a BLAST playing with Aunt Sara!

My oldest nephew Carson & Gavin

My second oldest nephew Camron being silly!

Mommy & the b-day boy!

Focused on the game...Cowboys WON!!

The babies always have their hands in the mouth!

My boys and me

Carson and Connor

Aunt Lacy & G


Connor was really into the bows and reading the cards-lol

Seriously, he got mad when she tried to make him play w/his new toys instead.

OOhhh-a flashlight!

Singing Happy Birthday-he wouldn't wear his b-day hat.

Connor Hated his cake!

Apparently My chiild loves cake though!

Connor was Worn Out & loving on Aunt Sara

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Aw, sweet pictures!! :)