Monday, August 23, 2010


Gavin turning 4 months has brought on a few changes in the Graves' Household.
I'm SICK of not being able to lose my post baby weight. I gained about 40 lbs and have only lost half of it. So My short self is 20 lbs overweight! Looks more like 100 on me though. I no longer have an excuse to not do something about it. Gavin is getting easier and now wakes up bright and early for me. So we are officially "walkers" & have started walking every morning. I cannot wait for this insane Texas weather to cool down. I think we have been over 100 degrees here for more than 25 days in a row. Once it cools down I'd like to walk in the morning and evening. Gotta get this weight off (just in time for the holidays to put it back on. lol)
As you can see here, him and "Jeffrey" really enjoy the outdoors.

We also have started feeding him baby food on a daily basis. He loves applesauce so much & Derek really enjoys feeding him. He makes the airplane sound every time he gives Gavin the spoon. lol. It is super cute.
Another topic of conversation is that the hubby is going back and forth on our future.
WAIT! Before you get any ideas....we are doing great. But it is getting more difficult for him to say goodbye to us every time he has to go to work out of state and not see us for at least 2 weeks. He works for a family business that he is set to take over soon and I am the office manager. So, we've pretty much had our occupational future all mapped out. Until I had a baby.
This is a very sensitive subject right now and he isn't taking it lightly. If he leaves the company to work at home, we will both get new jobs, and be a lot less well off. Working out of town brings in better $. BUT, we both believe that we would be happier, so there has been quite a bit of conversation on the subject. Usually, I wouldn't take this too seriously b/c he always says he wants to work a 9-5 job in town but wouldn't ever leave the family business. But just in the last 2 days, Derek has talked to everyone he knows about it. Including his dad, who is none too happy to say the least. So I know to take him seriously this time. I just think he is sick of it all and misses us more than he could explain. His dad missed out on a lot b/c he worked out of town and Derek does not want to have regrets.
It is just so hard for everyone with him working out of town. I wish we had the answer and that it was an easy one. If this decision is made, then it could be a couple years or it could be tomorrow for all I know. I'll keep you updated.
On another note...Gavin started daycare today. I didn't cry, but had I stayed any longer I would have. I know he's in great hands and I'm leaving work early to get him since it's his first day.
Just so many changes!

I've uploaded my first video! I hope it works and you can see it. I found a new form of entertainment for him.....trashbags. Go figure!


Amber said...

Such a cute video, I miss my babies being that little. I hope everything works out for you and Derek with all the changes.

Lauren said...

Praying for y'all. That you'll make the best decision for you and your family and be at peace about it. Love ya :)

Veronica said...

Audrey and I just watched the video and she loved it! She was laughing right along with Gavin!

I know what you mean about changes and reevaluating priorities when you have children. I'll be praying that the Lord guides you guys. I'm a firm believer that if something is the Lord's will, he'll make the way and open the doors if it's the right thing to do. Just keep praying about it and asking the Lord to make things clear to you guys. Hope the transition to daycare is getting easier. :)

Love ya!