Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday Update & Prayer Request

Well this weekend sure was busy and it seems like things will not be slowing down much for me until after the holidays.
Friday night I wasn't feeling so well so I stayed at home. I feel like I've been battling hard against an upcoming cold or flu. I'm doing everything possible NOT to get sick. Esp right now. I can't get my flu shot till the 29th when I go to my next appt. so I will be taking Tylenol until then.
Sat I got up and when and got a free "Birthday Wash" for my car at the dealership. I've never owned a brand new car until now so this is def. a perk worth buying for :) Afterwards, I met my friend Jennifer to go pick out her wedding dress. She's getting married next month and obviously doesn't have much time to plan. But she's knew exactly what she wanted and stuck with it! Much easier than my process. Then we went to her parents and looked at all the flowers and stuff. Later that evening I met my parents and Aunt Cathy to go to the HOT Rodeo & Fair. My aunt and uncle are sponsors so we had to go early for dinner at the Back Porch Club. D wasn't in town yet so he couldn't make it. IDK if I've mentioned but I LOVE the rodeo!(and the cowboys-shh;) )
The worst thing happened though, and a poor horse died in front of the entire arena. It just dropped and died. It put a damper on my evening on top of being super tired so I was a bit out of it for the rest of the night. I did manage to stay until midnight and hang with the old folk! lol.
Sunday I woke up to the sad news that my oldest friend, Tamara's, mom died. Her name was Linda Devers and she has been battling cancer for 2 years. She was the sweetest yet most blunt women I knew & I have so many great memories of her. She was always the "cool mom" that everyone in my town knew and loved. She will be missed so much. Please prayer for comfort for her family during this sad time. I am glad to know that she had the Lord in her heart and she truley is in a better place now without any suffering. So Wednesday I'm going to her funeral & then Thursday my sis Lacy is coming in town and bringing baby Connor with her.
I'll be spending much needed time with them Thursday & Friday. Sat Derek & I are heading to Dallas for my b-day weekend!!! I can't wait. I'll provide more details later:) Have a great week!


Lauren said...

Oh my goodness, so sad about the horse!!!! How awful!

And sorry to hear about your friends mom, will pray for the family!

The Pifer's said...

I feel horrible for Tamera; they are most def. in my prayers. Please give her a hug for me since I can't make it! Glad I got to see you from a distance!! Love ya!