Wednesday, October 7, 2009

12 weeks and counting!

Well the cat is out of the bag and people are finally finding out I'm pregnant. Which is totally fine but I hate the attention even though it's not the bad kind. We never made a formal announcement and I don't slap my business all over my facebook. But now that everyone is finding out it feels kinda good. They are all happy for us!

I'm 12 weeks today and did not know in the beginning, but that does not make me 3 months. It's counted differently in pregnancy land so I'll be 3 months next week. My symptoms still come and go but are tapering off for the most part. My migraines are coming back and the only thing I can take is Vicoden which I don't feel comfortable taking even though it is safe. But no complaints. I'm used to them now. I'm also getting a little bit of my energy back and have been cleaning a lot! Everything those Pepto commercials explain-yea, I have all of that. BUT, can I take Pepto? Nope! So Sprite and crackers it is! My tummy is growing a lot but I haven't gained any weight. Weird how that works huh? I finally decided to take a pic this morning b/c I couldn't believe how much my tummy is sticking out compared to a couple weeks ago. Excuse the panties :)
Weight: haven't gained an ounce yet
Clothes: Super tight and almost ready to wear my Bella Band.
Sleep: Can't seem to stay off my back & I regret it in the mornings when it hurts.
Best Moment of the Week: I heard the heartbeat last Thursday and it was amazing! I've listened to it several times on my phone since then too.
Food cravings: Loving just about everything this week. Hence the belly bulge. Last night it was chocolate icecream and I NEVER eat icecream.
What I miss: Shopping. I really need some jeans and am not in maternity yet so it's killing me not to be able to just go buy regular clothes that i need.
Looking forward to: My next appt. Seeing my baby. Being off work this weekend....list goes on.


KellRich said...

Such a cute little baby bump you have- it's still sooo tiny, but you can definitely see a bump =] YAY!!!

The Pifer's said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your little belly bump!! It has popped out!!!! SOOO CUTE!!!!!! Love you!

Lauren said...

I'm lovin the bump!!!! :) :)