I feel 13 all over again. Well, I wish I felt that way...I actually feel 60 today from my fatigue. But by 13, I mean my acne has showed up out of nowhere. I can't even tell you the last time I had acne. Even at 13 I was blessed with good skin. I look at myself in the mirror and just have to laugh b/c although I look silly and am having to use Proactiv treatment to cure these ugly critters, it's totally worth it. Oh pregnancy hormones....Bring it on! I can take it!
It's those crazy hormones :) Gotta love em--haha! I remember when I get my HCG trigger shot (The one that makes my body think it's pregnant) I always break out horribly, tottally icky! But like I told you earlier, your beautimus even with a couple pimples on your face...love ya!
Girl, just remember that every single piece of acne is going to be sooo worth it!!! :)
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