Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday update!

Hey guys. I know, I hardly write anymore. I told you I wouldn't have much to talk about since we were on a "break." I'm pretty sure everyone doesn't want to read about my daily activities.
Just in case you do, I'll tell you what's been going on lately.

I've spent the last couple of weeks babysitting my hubby's aunt. I work at my inlaws's house in the home office on one side of the house, And she's been staying at their house b/c she had a hysterectomy. She is one busy bee and couldn't sit still so I was constantly having to keep an eye on her so she wouldn't do anything she shouldn't have been doing. What a handfull! Not to mention, D's little 7 yr old sister hung out there too since his aunt was there to watch her. I believe this is God's way of teaching me patience b/c it sure did try my patience!!!
Also, my SIL/roomate had a major shoulder surgery and has been completely crippled. I've taken care of her a few times (which I don't mind at all) but mostly her grandparents have been helping her out. I have good news! She had kind of given up on trying to find a college to play softball at, then suddenly after much consideration and convincing from a coach, she changed her mind and is going off to a college about 3 hrs away. This is all so sudden , but we are all excited for her. She obviously can't play softball this year b/c of her shoulder, but she will still be on the team and ready to play next year. Even more surprising, she is moving out this weekend! So fast, but so exciting at the same time. So...I'm losing my roomate.

In our family, birthday's are a big deal. This weekend, I went to my little SIL's 7th b-day then yesterday we had a party at my parents for my aunt and brother. Sorry, no pics :( BUT, I got to see my sister Lacy one last time before my new nephew is born. She is just so cute and pregnant. She is one of those girls who doesn't act or move like she's got a watermelon in her tummy. She was even doing funny dances:) That's my sister! She's got 4 weeks till her due date but they are inducing her a little early hopefully. Connor has stayed breached and so they are planning a C-section. I can't wait!!!

Update on my TTC journey: I have a Dr's appt on September 3rd to re-assess everything since our break. It's a couple weeks away, so I promise to update everyone on what he decides for us.
It feels as though this last week, every single person I know, has asked me if we're pregnant. I guess I just need to update my blog more b/c it gets overwhelming with so many people asking the same thing!

Hope you all have a great week!


The Pifer's said...

Hey sweet love, I love it when you update your blog! You better do it more--I don't think your life is boring at all! MUAH!!!! :)

Ashley said...

I am so glad that you updated!! I can't wait to see pics of Connor :). Love ya- Ash