Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I've been tagged

I've been tagged by Amber at Waiting-On-A-Miracle.

8 Things I am Looking Forward to:

* Getting pregnant!

* My big sister's baby shower this weekend!

* losing some weight & getting in shape

* taking a break from Clomid

* the weather to cool off

* to be a god mom to little Parker!

* My anniversary, although in Oct, we're planning on taking a trip

* not going to my HSG next week, but learning of my results after.

8 Things I did Yesterday:

* Woke up & talked to my sis in law for a while

* came to work & had a "meeting" with my boss *aka* my FIL

* worked on tax reports

* did some accounting

* played with my dogs

* cooked dinner

* watched the bachelorette!

* took a bubble bath to get rid of these cramps!

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:

* Sing.

* build my dream house!

* get in shape

* Make a baby without so much difficulty-ditto*

* go to Italy

* convince health care to pay for infertility

* not work :)

* run an animal shelter

8 Shows I Enjoy:

* The bachelorette

* Grey's Anatomy

* Brothers & Sisters

* So you think you can dance-ha ha!

* Real Housewives of ... New Jersey was my fave

* anything stand up comedy or comedy central

* I'm starting to like True Blood on HBO

8 Friends I am Tagging:Let me know in the comments when you complete it so I can come and check you out!* LaVida Loca, Life with the Richardson's, Love Leslee, Praying for our little one to come, Rainbow after the Rain, The Milam Family, Life is what you make of it , The Dressler Family


Leslee said...

I was tagged by someone else too so I did it. :) THanks for thinking of me.

~Jo*Jo~ said...

Ok, I finished it! :) Partly because you tagged me, but partly because I'm REAL bored...thank goodness it's almost 5...