Monday, June 8, 2009

New dr. coming soon

As a young woman going through infertility, I'm somewhat naive of current problems. The number one is that my ob/gyn does not know what the heck she's doing! After a couple months of my friends telling me to get a second opinion, I finally set up a consultation with a new local dr. Not an RE b/c hopefully it won't come down to that. One of my best friends, Kelli, is pregnant and we shared the same dr. Last week she had a terrible experience w/the dr. which lead me to go ahead and move forth with finding a new one myself. She has since found a new dr as well. Don't get me wrong, I could totally be friends with my current dr. She's so easy to talk to and makes you feel at ease. If it weren't for all my other friends who are ttc or IF, then I would have never known anything was wrong. See, I have yet to have an HSG but I'm on fertility meds for months? I have done everything on my own as of yet. She didn't even tell me to temp which is exactly what i should have been doing the whole time!!! B/c of temping, I found out that i was ovulating way later & her response was that it didn't make sense. Ugh! Anyways, I could probably go into more detail but I will spare you! Wish me luck. I'm going in Monday & am very excited!


Amber said...

good luck on Monday I know all too well about bad OB-GYN's its very frustrating!

Ashley said...

Good Luck!

The Pifer's said...

I am so excited for you sweetie! I think you will LOVE him! Please let me know how it goes!!! Love you!

Elisabeth said...

I am so sorry your going through that. I have a good doc but when I tried to breech the subject she didn't really say anything. She did take blood so who knows what she'll find with that.

I don't know if you've seen but first response makes a fertility test now. I saw them at walgreens. They're $25 but FR's website has a $2 coupon. I haven't tried it yet but I know its the test that doctor's give you when your on your 3rd day of af.

I hope your TTC journey ends soon with a healthy and happy pregnancy. Currently my husband and I are in our 36th month of trying and we had a failed adoption of 2 little girls.

I hope you have a great week!

Ashley said...

Good Luck sweetie and I can't wait to hear how it went!!

Anonymous said...

Good For You! We as woman, especially woman who are struggling with having a family need to be very proactive in our medical care. The way I see it, Doctors get paid by US! We either pay the health insurance premiums or pay them out of pocket. During the time they are with us, they are OUR EMPLOYEES.

I really hope that your new doctor is just what you need to have the baby fairy come and give you a little present in your belly.

Lauren said...

Praying for you :O)

Aimee said...

I hope everything goes great please let me know when you find out!!!