I just wrote a whole blog and it all got deleted when I went to publish it.
So, Aunt Flo visited me this morning. I knew she was coming, but not that she was mad at me b/c MAN! I am in some major pain!!! On my way to work, I even had to stop and throw up (TMI-sorry) So, I stopped at the Dollar Store & loaded up on Femenine supplines, Midol, & the best invention ever, ThermaCare Heat packs! They are so great for work & travel. Then, I somehow had to pull myself together to go to the bank to speak w/someone & go to a job meeting w/the general contractor of a job we're bidding on. I know they could tell I wasn't feeling well! AND, this weekend I'm going to a very big event & will have to deal with this! Speaking of traveling, My hubby & I are going with his family to Colorado in a couple weeks for his cousins wedding. We're staying in the mountains in a cabin we're sharing w/his family & I believe sharing a room too. So, unfortunately for us, it's the days we are supposed to BD on, so I have no idea how we're gonna pull that off! I won't even have the internet to chart my temps & know when or if we should even BD or not! Hopefully someone can help me with that while I'm gone (hint hint Tiff):) Ok, I'm done with my "whoa is me" post." I really appreciate all the prayers. I am not upset that AF came b/c I know my body enough that I expected it. I did not expect to get pregnant the first time that i O'd in forever either, so I'm totally ok! I know our time is soon! XOXO
I most def. will help you any way I can! You know I am always here for you! I love ya dearly and your right, your time is coming SOON!!! I'm so sorry AF was so rude to you, she can be really evil at times! Midol is a lifesaver! Call me if you need anything and anyway I can help! Love ya chicky! MUAH!
So sorry to hear AF found you but I know your time is coming soon! Just an idea if you have a phone that possibly has internet access FFriend has a mobile site that you can access just to put in your temp.
Hi, My name is Tricia. I found your blog in HIS WILL WEDNESDAYS over at Little April Roses blog.
My husband and I also are dealing with Infertility. However, it's on my husbands side and is not correctable. We did a few IUI's using donor's but were unsuccesfull.
I noticed You and your husband got married the same Month and Year as my husband and I too.
I enjoyed reading your blog! Sorry about AF arriving. I truly hope you guys are able to get some bedding time in while your in Colorado. Good Luck!
I signed up to follow you. I did not realize that when I left comments on a site it does not provide a link back to my blog. I just started blogging on Blogger. I had one with MSN spaces for years but decided to leave cause I had some very negative followers at times. I will e-mail you as well just in case you don't get this comment for a while.
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