Friday, May 15, 2009


Well, I started BBT this month. I honestly don't know why I haven't done it before. I guess b/c I didn't fully understand it and my dr. didn't emphasize how important it is. I must say, I thought that I understood the process of getting pregnant. Where you needed to be in your cycle and what to expect your cycle to do if you O or if you're pregnant. Embarrassing enough, this bbt has left me more confused than I was in the first place! I was directed to a site to track my bbt. It's very helpful & gives you a green light or red light to track when your most fertile days are. For those IF-ers, don't laugh, but I thought that you are fertile when you ovulate. But my chart indicates that I was fertile on days that I haven't ovulated. And now, it's saying I still have no sign of O and I'm on CD 16! I'm on my 4th month of Clomid and only O'd the first month. Now I'm on a high dose & suffering the worst hot flashes of my life, and all for what? Maybe I will O just late, but really don't understand when or how to tell, even by using my nifty little bbt chart. Any help would be great! Thanks! p.s. I always ask my friend Tiffany these questions b/c she's like my personal nurse, but she has so much going on I didn't want to bother her. So, I will take any help given:)


The Pifer's said...

Nurse Tiffany is always here and willing to help anytime :)

I wanna see your chart, do you think you can copy, save it and send it to me?? :)

omgLisa said...

Hi Rosie, you'll probably need a few more charted cycles to really get the hang of it.

I don't know the link to your chart on Fertility Friend, but maybe it's giving you the green light because of certain signs you've noted, such as cervical mucus/fluid, etc? I'm not super familiar with Fertility Friend though (I gave it a shot several months ago, but then I found that Ovusoft was much better).

I do know that Ovusoft has certain options where you can set it to "temperature only", so it won't include your other fertility signs in its calculations. That's how I've been charting for a little while now, because I didn't feel familiar enough with the other signs yet. So I just mark those as a reference for now.